Sunday 15 July 2012

I'm still here!

I apologise for the lack of posts lately - I have literally had the busiest week I've had in forever (hence why I am currently writing this off of my iPhone)! This is just an update post to let you know what I have been up to in the past week!

Still been unsuccessful in the job hunting.. But I have managed to get some overtime at work for the first time in about 4 weeks! So this week I'm working 27ish hours, instead of my regular 13..

I met up with my friend at the beginning of the week for lunch. On Wednesday I went to the Olympic Torch event at Hudson's Field where I had a cheeky pint and a little bag of pick & mix (as the food there was horrible). We did do a lot of dancing there though! Then we went straight from there to the fire garden event at Stonehenge, where I walked my butt off and took some lovely photos. I went out for two meals, one at The Harvester and one at Strada, on Thursday with a birthday party that same night, which involved a lot of drinking and dancing! Then on Friday I met up with my boyfriend for lunch, I worked and then I went to a little get together with a few work friends which also involved a fair bit of alcohol. Then yesterday (Saturday) I worked 8 hours and afterwards I went into town to celebrate a friends birthday - dressed as a leopard! Which also involved many, many drinks. I have never drank so much in such a short space of time! Feeling very fragile today. Today we have travelled to visit family, which involves a lot of food.

Considering all of the eating and drinking I have done this week I have only put on 3lb (I was expecting to put on a couple more than this to be fair) - which will hopefully come off easily next week once all this socialising calms down bit - I've never felt so popular, hahaha. Here's some photos from throughout the week:

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