Sunday 17 March 2013

I need to set my priorities straight..

As some of you may know, I like a good night out (don't judge, please - I know this is a weightloss blog, but I do like to enjoy myself and let my hair down sometimes too). But last night may have changed my opinion a little.. It was... eventful? I went drinking in town with a few friends and predrank beforehand.. But I predrank WAY more than usual.. Why? I have no idea. Maybe I'm just an idiot. After spending the majority of the night with my head in a toilet, crying and eating a mountain of cheesy chips, I've come to the realisation, I cannot handle my alcohol. I like to think I can, but after last night I know I can't. This morning I found what was left in my bottle of Malibu, and I was disgusted in myself when I actually saw how much I got through - I'm lucky I didn't have to go to hospital. I am so ashamed and very embarrassed. I know we all make mistakes and "you only live once", but the events of last night are playing with my mind. I have spent nearly all day in town, killing time with the worst hangover to date, as I didn't feel sober enough to drive home this morning. I'm finally home and it's gone 4pm.. Almost a whole day wasted.

I have realised that I clearly have my priorities all wrong. Yes, socialising and having a dance with a few drinks down you is great fun, but for me it just happens way too often now. Each night I go out I seem to get through more and more alcohol, thinking I can handle it when I clearly can't. I need to start setting dates for my nights out way in advance, instead of deciding the day before that I'm going to go out, as that way I won't be going out once every week or two, and they'll be more spread out. I'll probably appreciate the nights out and time with my friends more, and I'm sure mine and my boyfriend's pockets will appreciate that too. I also need to stop predrinking, or buy seriously less alcohol for myself to drink if I do. Buying drinks in town is more expensive, which sucks, but it means I'll drink less as I won't be able to afford many drinks (I am extremely stingy with my money on nights out, no matter how intoxicated I am). So I'm now going to have to find something else to do on my Saturday nights.. No idea what though.

I want to spend more of my time doing more important things, like working a bit more and saving up some money, seeing family and friends (whilst sober), looking into going back to college in September, focusing on writing for my blog and the e-magazine, Pie, that I now write a little bit for each month and tackling my insomnia, anxiety and weight issues. Also I need to get my butt back down the gym and get back into a proper routine instead of going 1-2 times a week, whenever I can be bothered, and I need to start eating more healthily again, as I keep yo-yoing from eating really good one day to really naughty the next. I need to look after my body and stop treating it like a dustbin.

Hopefully, with support from my family (and hopefully friends too), and of course will power, I'll be able to stick to all of this. *Fingers crossed*, I can do this!

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